Ukrainian Antarctic Journal

Vol 22 No 1(28) (2024): Ukrainian Antarctic Journal

30 years of Ukraine's polar research in Antarctica and the Ukrainian Antarctic Journal

Vitaliy Starostenko
S.I. Subbotin Institute of Geophysics of the NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv, 03142, Ukraine
Published September 7, 2024
How to Cite
Starostenko, V. (2024). 30 years of Ukraine’s polar research in Antarctica and the Ukrainian Antarctic Journal. Ukrainian Antarctic Journal, 22(1(28), 3-5.


The article briefly presents the history of the Ukrainian Antarctic  Akademik Vernadsky station, the beginning and the current state of Antarctic scientific research in Ukraine in the Antarctic Peninsula. It also provides information on the contribution of the scientific publication Ukrainian Antarctic Journal to the dissemination of the results of Antarctic research from the area of ​​the Akademik Vernadsky station.


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