No 15 (2016): Ukrainian Antarctic Journal
An achievements and a prospects of psychological behaviors studies in interpersonal interactions of the Antarctic expeditions wintering teams
December 30, 2016
- personality,
- wintering team,
- interpersonal relationships,
- relatively isolated group,
- extreme conditions
- social deprivation,
- psychological compatibility,
- Antarctica ...More
How to Cite
Bahmutova, L. M. (2016). An achievements and a prospects of psychological behaviors studies in interpersonal interactions of the Antarctic expeditions wintering teams. Ukrainian Antarctic Journal, (15), 196-203.

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The conceptual framework of the process of interpersonal relationships in wintering team of long polar expeditions is presented. We stress attention on the factors in the associated with isolation and Antarctic environment. The special role in this study has the interpersonal interactions during recruitment of polar team. This is important of ensure the reliability and efficiency of team operation in extreme conditions.
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