No 14 (2015): Ukrainian Antarctic Journal
The relationship of state of total ozone over antarctic station Vernadsky with state of ozone hole over Antarctic
December 31, 2015
- total ozone,
- the ozone hole,
- the method of classification,
- the spatial distribution of the ozone layer
How to Cite
Martazinova, V. F., & Ivanova, E. K. (2015). The relationship of state of total ozone over antarctic station Vernadsky with state of ozone hole over Antarctic. Ukrainian Antarctic Journal, (14), 93-102.

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The change of total ozone over the station Vernadsky / Faraday is investigated since 1996 for the period after the transfer of the British Antarctic Survey (BAS) station to the Ukraine. During this period there is a marked depletion of the ozone layer over Antarctica. Comparison of average annual variation of total ozone on measurements at the station Vernadsky / Faraday of 1972 to 1994 and 1995 to 2012 showed that the ozone hole in the period 1972-1994 was not appeared. We propose here a new approach to the classification of curves of the annual variation of total ozone over Ukraine Antarctic station (UAS) in the last decades.
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