Ukrainian Antarctic Journal

No 12 (2013): Ukrainian Antarctic Journal

Seasonal and interannual variability of geostrophic current’s transport in the South Ocean by hydrological and satellite measurements

Yu. V. Artamonov
Marine Hydrophysical Institute of NAS of Ukraine, Sevastopol
A.V. Fedirko
Marine Hydrophysical Institute of NAS of Ukraine, Sevastopol
A. A. Kubryakov
Marine Hydrophysical Institute of NAS of Ukraine, Sevastopol
E. A. Skripaleva
Marine Hydrophysical Institute of NAS of Ukraine, Sevastopol
S.V. Stanichny
Marine Hydrophysical Institute of NAS of Ukraine, Sevastopol
Published December 15, 2013
  • South Ocean,
  • geostrophic current’s transport,
  • Antarctic Circumpolar current,
  • seasonal and interannual variability,
  • Southern Oscillation and Antarctic Oscillation indexes
How to Cite
Artamonov, Y. V., Fedirko, A., Kubryakov, A. A., Skripaleva, E. A., & Stanichny, S. (2013). Seasonal and interannual variability of geostrophic current’s transport in the South Ocean by hydrological and satellite measurements. Ukrainian Antarctic Journal, (12), 147-154.


On the basis of climatic array World Ocean Atlas-2009 and sea level anomalies altimetry data for 1993–2010 the seasonal and interannual variability of geostrophic current’s transport in the South Ocean is investigated. The connection of geostrophic transport’s spatial-temporal variability with indexes of atmospheric circulation Southern Oscillation and Antarctic Oscillation is analyzed.


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