Ukrainian Antarctic Journal

No 12 (2013): Ukrainian Antarctic Journal

Some features of Antarctic deep-sea squid (ADSS) biology Mesonychoteuthis hamiltoni, Robson, 1925

V. L. Yukhov
State Enterprise Odessa Center of the Southern Research Institute for Fisheries and Oceanology, Odessa
Published December 15, 2013
  • squids,
  • sperm whale,
  • Antarctica,
  • size,
  • oocytes,
  • food,
  • tissues techno-chemical composition,
  • occurrency
  • ...More
How to Cite
Yukhov, V. L. (2013). Some features of Antarctic deep-sea squid (ADSS) biology Mesonychoteuthis hamiltoni, Robson, 1925. Ukrainian Antarctic Journal, (12), 217-237.


ADSS research results according to investigation of the diet of sperm whales in Antarctica for the period of 1967-1979 are generalized in the work. ADSS information retains its value and relevance. ADSS is one of the most massive squid in Antarctica. In December – March it occurs in the area of 60-70°S within the temperature range of -1,9°C to +2,0°C with the frequency of occurrence maximum from -0,9°C to 0°C. Length frequency of individuals of both sexes with mantle length of 80-240 cm is equal to 86% of occurrence. ADSS adults inhabit vertically mesopelagic (200-799 m) and bathypelagic (700-2000 m) ocean zones. ADSS occurs together with Antarctic toothfish. During the period of November – April ADSS female gonads are on the II-III maturity stage. Most likely the spawning is not one-time and takes place at the end of winter – early spring. ADSS composition of food in open Antarctic waters is monotonous. From 849 exposed stomachs only 107 (12,6%) have contained residues of victims, probably, of Myctophidae family. Mantle meat yield is up to 65,7%. In spite of availability of NH4 group, squid meat has a delicate nice taste that makes it possible to regard ADSS as a fishery object in perspective.


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