Ukrainian Antarctic Journal

No 12 (2013): Ukrainian Antarctic Journal

Psychophysiological questionnaire which concerns the professional adaptation of participants in the Antarctic expedition

G. Pyshnov
State Institution Institute for Occupational Health of the NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv
Y. Moiseyenko
National Antarctic Scientific Center of the State Agency for Science, Innovations and Informatization of Ukraine, Kyiv
L. G. Vysotskaya
State Institution Institute for Occupational Health of the NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv
Published December 15, 2013
  • adaptation,
  • psychophysiological questionnaire,
  • Antarctic Expedition winterers,
  • special conditions
How to Cite
Pyshnov, G., Moiseyenko, Y., & Vysotskaya, L. G. (2013). Psychophysiological questionnaire which concerns the professional adaptation of participants in the Antarctic expedition. Ukrainian Antarctic Journal, (12), 315-322.


The article contains the results of psycho-physiological examination wintering (Ukrainian Antarctic expedition) and a group of students (before exams). Using factor analysis of test results (eight versions of the questionnaires, which included more than 500 questions) identified additional factors that play a leading role in the evaluation of the individual psychological characteristics to work in the special conditions of the Antarctic. Developed and improved a new test-administered questionnaire, which allows testing of candidates for the winter on the basis of "professional adaptability in the special conditions." With the proper credibility estimates reduced testing time.


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