No 12 (2013): Ukrainian Antarctic Journal
Psychophysiological questionnaire which concerns the professional adaptation of participants in the Antarctic expedition
December 15, 2013
- adaptation,
- psychophysiological questionnaire,
- Antarctic Expedition winterers,
- special conditions
How to Cite
Pyshnov, G., Moiseyenko, Y., & Vysotskaya, L. G. (2013). Psychophysiological questionnaire which concerns the professional adaptation of participants in the Antarctic expedition. Ukrainian Antarctic Journal, (12), 315-322.
The article contains the results of psycho-physiological examination wintering (Ukrainian Antarctic expedition) and a group of students (before exams). Using factor analysis of test results (eight versions of the questionnaires, which included more than 500 questions) identified additional factors that play a leading role in the evaluation of the individual psychological characteristics to work in the special conditions of the Antarctic. Developed and improved a new test-administered questionnaire, which allows testing of candidates for the winter on the basis of "professional adaptability in the special conditions." With the proper credibility estimates reduced testing time.
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