Ukrainian Antarctic Journal

No 10-11 (2012): Ukrainian Antarctic Journal

The variability of the water temperature field in Antarctica by data of the passing measurements on the R/V “Akademik Fedorov” in 1999-2011

Ju. V. Artamonov
Marine Hydrophysical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Sevastopol
N. N. Antipov
Federal State Budgetary Institution "Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute", St. Petersburg
V. P. Bunjakin
Federal State Budgetary Institution "Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute", St. Petersburg
A. V. Klepikov
Federal State Budgetary Institution "Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute", St. Petersburg
V. A. Litvinov
National Antarctic Scientific Center of the State Committee of Ukraine for Science, Innovations and Informatization, Kyiv
V. V. Lukin
Federal State Budgetary Institution "Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute", St. Petersburg
E. A. Skripaleva
Marine Hydrophysical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Sevastopol
Published December 31, 2012
  • Sea surface temperature anomalies,
  • zonal tack,
  • passing vessel measurements,
  • Southern and Antarctic oscillations indexes,
  • Antarctic Circumpolar Wave,
  • Antarctic Coastal Circumpolar Wave
  • ...More
How to Cite
Artamonov, J. V., Antipov, N. N., Bunjakin, V. P., Klepikov, A. V., Litvinov, V. A., Lukin, V. V., & Skripaleva, E. A. (2012). The variability of the water temperature field in Antarctica by data of the passing measurements on the R/V “Akademik Fedorov” in 1999-2011. Ukrainian Antarctic Journal, (10-11), 172-185.


The results of investigation of sea surface temperature (SST) interannual variability using the data of the passing measurements, carried out on zonal tacks around Antarctic continent during the expeditions on the R/V “Akademik Fedorov” in 1999-2010 are presented. The spatial features of SST anomalies in navigation areas, which are compared with SST anomalies, calculated on archive data, are described. The results are analyzed from position of display of climatic variations in the ocean-atmosphere system with typical periods 2-7 years.


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