No 10-11 (2012): Ukrainian Antarctic Journal
Introduction in culture in vitro of Deschampsia аntarctica Desv. (Poaceae) from two regions of Maritime Antarctica
December 31, 2012
- Deschampsia antarctica Desv.,
- seeds germination,
- micropropagation,
- callus formation,
- tissue culture
How to Cite
Zahrychuk, O. M., Drobyk, N. M., Kozeretska, I. A., Parnikoza, I. Y., & Kunakh, V. A. (2012). Introduction in culture in vitro of Deschampsia аntarctica Desv. (Poaceae) from two regions of Maritime Antarctica. Ukrainian Antarctic Journal, (10-11), 289-295.
There were developed conditions for seeds germination, micropropagation as well as for induction of callus formation from root and stem explants for a long-term Deschampsia antarctica Desv. tissue culture growing. Optimal for micropropagation of the species was nutrient medium B5 with 0,2 mg/l Kin; for callusogenesis of both explants types – the same medium supplemented with 0,9 mg/l 2,4-D and 0,09 mg/l BAP. Callusogenesis from the root explants considerably exceeded (2-2,6 times) that from the stem one.
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