Ukrainian Antarctic Journal

No 4-5 (2006): Ukrainian Antarctic Journal

A study of depth structure of the earth crust at the Antarctica coast by a geopolariton sounding technique

Yu. A. Bogdanov
Scientific Technical Center "Geoindustry", Kharkiv
I. G. Zakharov
Scientific Technical Center "Geoindustry", Kharkiv
V. M. Vashchenko
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv
V. M. Pavlovych
Institute of Nuclear Research of NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv
Published December 15, 2006
How to Cite
Bogdanov, Y. A., Zakharov, I. G., Vashchenko, V. M., & Pavlovych, V. M. (2006). A study of depth structure of the earth crust at the Antarctica coast by a geopolariton sounding technique. Ukrainian Antarctic Journal, (4-5), 102-108.


The results of a preliminary interpretation of the measurements at the Antarctic coast by a geopolariton sounding technique are presented. The technique allows to obtain an information about the strained and deformed state of the rocks. The measurements are carried out in 2005-2006 on a glacier at Galindez Island and at the ships of the X-XI Ukrainian Antarctic Expedition along the continent coast from the Akademik Vernadsky Station up to South Shetland Islands and through the Dreyk Strait.


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