No 4-5 (2006): Ukrainian Antarctic Journal
The analysis of sensitivity magnitude of a seismic complex established on Vernadsky station for seismic events from Sandwich islands area
December 15, 2006
How to Cite
Vaschenko, V. M., Gordienko, Y., Shapka, V., Kaplaushenko, V. M., & Liashchuk, O. (2006). The analysis of sensitivity magnitude of a seismic complex established on Vernadsky station for seismic events from Sandwich islands area. Ukrainian Antarctic Journal, (4-5), 207-213.
The results of the analysis of sensitivity magnitude of a seismic complex established at Verrnadsky station are considered. The concept of a threshold magnitude, as a rating of an opportunity of revealing of seismic events from concrete region is entered. The results of the analysis of sensitivity magnitude for Sandwich Islands area are given.
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