No 3 (2005): Ukrainian Antarctic Journal
Investigation of the Oxidation-Antioxidation Processes in Blood of the Antarctic Fishes
December 15, 2005
- Antarctic,
- fishes,
- blood,
- chemiluminescence,
- oxidative processes
How to Cite
Voitsitsky, V. M., Khizhnyak, S. V., Moiseev, A. Y., Hanzha, E. B., & Stepanova, L. I. (2005). Investigation of the Oxidation-Antioxidation Processes in Blood of the Antarctic Fishes. Ukrainian Antarctic Journal, (3), 122-127.
Blood chemiluminescenсе, its peroxidation products content and activity of the blood antioxidative enzymes (catalase and superoxide dismutase) have been investigated in fishes caught during the 9-th Ukrainian Antarctic expedition in the water area at the Akademik Vernadsky station. The distinction of the oxidative processes revealed in Antarctic fishes, Nototheniidae, Bathydraconidae and Chaenichthyidae, may arise due to their adaptation to the Antarctic conditions.
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