Ukrainian Antarctic Journal

No 2 (2004): Ukrainian Antarctic Journal

Synoptic Forecasting in the Ukrainian Antarctic Expedition

V. Ye. Tymofeyev
Odessa State Environmental University, Odessa
Published December 15, 2004
  • short-term (long-term) weather forecast,
  • cyclonic process,
  • total ozone content,
  • cloudiness
How to Cite
Tymofeyev, V. Y. (2004). Synoptic Forecasting in the Ukrainian Antarctic Expedition. Ukrainian Antarctic Journal, (2), 111-118.


The main types of cyclonic processes in the troposphere above Graham Land as well as the most typical hydrometeorological regime, satellite images of cloudiness, and the total ozone content at Vernadsky are presented. The examples of some cyclonic processes both at the Antarctic Peninsula and South America are described. Recommendations for the short-term weather forecasts are given and the method worked out in the Ukrainian Research Hydrometeorological Institute is proposed for the long-range weather forecast.


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