Ukrainian Antarctic Journal

No 1 (2003): Ukrainian Antarctic Journal

Large-scale peculiarities of the temperature and salinity fields of the sea surface along the route of the Seventh Ukrainian Antarctic Expedition

Yu. Artamonov
Marine Hydrophysical Institute of NAS of Ukraine, Sevastopol
A. Perov
Marine Hydrophysical Institute of NAS of Ukraine, Sevastopol
Published December 15, 2003
  • front,
  • temperature and salinity fields,
  • the Atlantic Ocean,
  • Mediterranean Sea
How to Cite
Artamonov, Y., & Perov, A. (2003). Large-scale peculiarities of the temperature and salinity fields of the sea surface along the route of the Seventh Ukrainian Antarctic Expedition. Ukrainian Antarctic Journal, (1), 146-148.


On the basis of the hydrological data received during the 7th Ukrainian Antarctic Expedition in January-March, 2002, the large-scale peculiarities of the temperature and salinity fields of the sea surface in the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean sea are described. Sea surface front peculiarities are discussed. Seasonal changes of hydrological parameters in the tropical and middle latitudes of the Atlantic Ocean were determined.


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  4. Levitus, S., & Boyer, P.T. (1994). World Ocean Atlas. USA. CD-ROM data sets. National Oceanographic Data Center, Ocean Climate Laboratory, Washington, DC.