No 12 (2013): Ukrainian Antarctic Journal
Long stay effects in the Antarctic on ultrastructure and platelet function in people with load hypoxic
December 15, 2013
- platelets,
- mitochondria,
- hypoxia,
- winterers,
- Antarctica
How to Cite
Rozova, E. V., & Moiseyenko, Y. V. (2013). Long stay effects in the Antarctic on ultrastructure and platelet function in people with load hypoxic. Ukrainian Antarctic Journal, (12), 307-314.
The work is devoted to the study of changes in the platelets ultrastructure (in winterers) in hypoxic stimulation before and after a long stay in Antarctica. It is shown that the ultrastructural parameters of platelets in Antarctic winterers significantly modified. Changes in tension indicates a platelet function and probably progenitor cells. Reaction of winterer’ platelets to hypoxic stimulation have the characteristic features. They can be considered as a compensatory-adaptive. The mechanisms of such transformations are characterized by the increase of the functional activity of organelles due to a moderate degree of edema, which may indicate an increase in energy production and activation of glycolysis.
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