Ukrainian Antarctic Journal

No 12 (2013): Ukrainian Antarctic Journal

Long stay effects in the Antarctic on ultrastructure and platelet function in people with load hypoxic

E. V. Rozova
A. A. Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology of NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv
Y. V. Moiseyenko
A. A. Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology of NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv
Published December 15, 2013
  • platelets,
  • mitochondria,
  • hypoxia,
  • winterers,
  • Antarctica
How to Cite
Rozova, E. V., & Moiseyenko, Y. V. (2013). Long stay effects in the Antarctic on ultrastructure and platelet function in people with load hypoxic. Ukrainian Antarctic Journal, (12), 307-314.


The work is devoted to the study of changes in the platelets ultrastructure (in winterers) in hypoxic stimulation before and after a long stay in Antarctica. It is shown that the ultrastructural parameters of platelets in Antarctic winterers significantly modified. Changes in tension indicates a platelet function and probably progenitor cells. Reaction of winterer’ platelets to hypoxic stimulation have the characteristic features. They can be considered as a compensatory-adaptive. The mechanisms of such transformations are characterized by the increase of the functional activity of organelles due to a moderate degree of edema, which may indicate an increase in energy production and activation of glycolysis.


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