Ukrainian Antarctic Journal

No 8 (2009): Ukrainian Antarctic Journal

The influence of melanin on concentration of cortisol in the blood of the rats in conditions of stress action

T.M. Falalyeyeva
Department of Pharmaco-physiology of Institute of physiology of Biological faculty, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv
O. I. Tsyryuk
Department of Pharmaco-physiology of Institute of physiology of Biological faculty, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv
N. V. Chyizhanska
Poltava State Agriculture Academy, Poltava
V. P. Zharova
National Antarctic Scientific Center, Kyiv
Published December 16, 2009
  • melanin,
  • stress,
  • gastric mucosa,
  • injury,
  • cortisol
How to Cite
Falalyeyeva, T., Tsyryuk, O. I., Chyizhanska, N. V., & Zharova, V. P. (2009). The influence of melanin on concentration of cortisol in the blood of the rats in conditions of stress action. Ukrainian Antarctic Journal, (8), 386-390.


Immobilizational stress exposure time of which was 24 hour evoked in gastric mucosa of rats formation of ulcers, erosions and hemorrhages with simultaneous drastic increase of cortisol blood level. Melanin defended gastric mucosa against development of injuries evoked by stress and at the same time reduced cortisol blood level by 1,81 times. It was concluded that a decrease in cortisol blood level against a background of melanin action is the result of active influence of melanin on one of the links of mechanism of cortisol liberation.


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