Ukrainian Antarctic Journal

Author Guidelines

The Editorial Board of the scientific professional edition Ukrainian Antarctic Journal (UAJ) accepts for publication scientific papers, short notes, reviews that comply with the following rules. The author is responsible for the scientific content of the article.

No fee is required from authors for editorial preparation and publication of articles in the scientific edition Ukrainian Antarctic Journal.

General requirements for manuscripts

UAJ accepts only materials which have not been published before and are not under consideration for publication elsewhere. The manuscript should be submitted in English via UAJ web-site Alongside the manuscript, the Authors submit the Author’s agreement which becomes effective upon the date when the manuscript is accepted for publication and propose four potential reviewers (surname and first name, affiliation and e-mail address must be specified).

Research article manuscripts should be written in English and not exceed 20 pages including references, tables, figures and abstract. Reviews should be written in English and not exceed 25 pages; short notes — 6 pages. Extended abstracts (annotations) in English and Ukrainian that summarize the main content of the manuscript should be provided with each submitted manuscript (The Ukrainian translation is freely provided by the journal).

The manuscript should be typed in Microsoft Word as *.doc or *.docx file with the margins: top — 25 mm, bottom — 20 mm, left — 25 mm, right — 20 mm in Times New Roman, 12 pt, single line spacing, paragraph indent 10 mm.

The manuscript should contain materials in the following order (research papers, reviews, short notes):

First initials and surnames of all authors in bold and with no paragraph indent. If authors have different affiliations, their names are marked with superscript numeric indices matching the numbers of their institutions in the list of institutions. 

Leave a blank line after the authors list.

A list of all affiliated institutions. Institutional addresses should be provided in the order: city, zip/postal code, country. Each institution should be accompanied with its list number in order of appearance and matching their affiliated authors’ indices.

If the manuscript contains results of research funded by the State Institution National Antarctic Scientific Center of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the institution should be listed alongside the author’s primary affiliation. 

Leave a blank line after the list of affiliations.

The corresponding author’s e-mail.

Leave a blank line after the corresponding author’s e-mail.

Title in bold with no paragraph indent.

Leave a blank line after the title.

A running title up to 50 characters long, no spaces.

Abstract together with keywords should be in English (1800-2000 characters, no indent) in Times New Roman, 10 pt. It should contain the main objective(s) of the study, methods, main results and conclusions. An abstract in a language different from the language of the manuscript (if any) should additionally contain initials and last names of all authors, affiliations of all authors (including their locations), the e-mail of the corresponding author (Please do not list more than two corresponding authors) and the title of the article (in bold).

Leave a blank line after the abstract.

Provide six kеуwords in alphabetical order separated by commas. Keywords should not repeat words and phrases used in the title of the manuscript.

Leave a blank line after the kеуwords.

Main sections

A research article should contain the following sections:

1 Introduction (overview of the problem, analysis of previous research on the topic, statement of the research objective)

2 Materials and methods or Data or Data and Methods (provide information about the structure of the experiments, equipment, materials, methods of research and data analysis)



3 Results (present the main stages of the study with substantiation of the findings)



4 Discussion (review main achievements of the paper and compare the results of the study with the latest research in the field)

5 Conclusions

The Authors are strongly advised to include only the minimum number of citations in the Results and Conclusions sections.

Data availability (if any).

Author contributions.

Acknowledgments (if any).

These can include acknowledgments of intellectual help of colleagues and reviewers, technical and material support, etc.


Conflict of Interest.

The Editorial Team supposes that the described study meets the legal requirements of the Antarctic Treaty; if it involved any manipulations of animals, they were treated according to the SCAR Code of Conduct and all possible care was dedicated to maintain their welfare. The Authors have to state that the experiments on humans and animals were done following the current legal requirements and Bioethics Commissions’ recommendations. Be prepared to provide information on the permits for entry (in case of the Antarctic Specially Protected Areas) and permits for specimen collection.

In the case of submission of sequencing results in the manuscript, GenBank accession numbers for the submitted sequences must be provided.


The list of references (all of which should be referenced in the text) should be structured alphabetically and follow APA guidelines. The majority of the sources should preferably be published in the last decade and indexed in Scopus and/or Web of Science. References to unpublished works are not accepted. In the body of the article, sources are cited as (Dolohov, 2015), (Dolohov & Lestrange, 2017), (Avery et al., 2016); "Recently, Malfoy et al. (2014) showed that...". If two different authors have the same last name, the correct way of referencing them is as follows: (T. Riddle, 2015; T. M. Riddle et al., 2017). If two works by the same author are referenced, the first one mentioned is indexed as 2018а and the other as 2018b, regardless of the chronological order of their publication; this rule is followed in the list of references. Referencing personal communications is not allowed. Software in the body of the article is referenced in regular type in blue: In the list of references, if the first author is referenced several times, the order of referencing is as follows: single-author publications first, then two-author ones, etc. Within the alphabetical structure, references are ordered chronologically, from earlier to recent. If there are more than twenty authors, the reference should contain the last names and initials of the first nineteen followed by an ellipsis and the last name and initials of the last author.


A journal article: author(s) (surname, initials), year of publication, article title, journal title, volume (number), pages or number of the article, doi:

Convey, P., & Stevens, M. (2007). Antarctic biodiversity. Science, 317(5846), 1877–1878.

Monographs, books: authors, year, title of the book, editors (surnames, initials), edition, publisher:

Weeks, W. (2010). On Sea Ice. Univ Alaska Press.

Florindo, F., & Siegert, M. (Eds). (2009). Antarctic Climate Evolution. Elsevier Science.

Chapter in a monograph or book: authors, year, title of the chapter, editors, title of the book, edition, publisher, pages:

Smith, R. I. L. (1984). Terrestrial Plant Biology of the sub-Antarctic and Antarctic. In R. M. Law (Ed.), Antarctic Ecology (pp. 61–162). Academic Press.

Web pages: name, access date, URL address:

Geomagnetic Activity Map — Hourly Ranges. Retrieved October 10, 2020, from

Authors are encouraged to be careful when formatting the list, since mistakes could prevent references from being indexed in bibliometric databases. The Editorial board may return the submitted manuscript to the authors for reformatting the reference list.

Figures and Tables

Figures should preferably be submitted in black and white for the print version of the journal and in color for the electronic version, with the resolution of no less than 300 dpi.  Figures are referred to in the text as (Fig. 1), or (Figure) if there is only one. Graphic illustrations and photos are submitted as separate .JPG or .TIFF files. Figure captions should be in English in Times New Roman, 12 pt, and start with "Figure 1." followed by a space and the caption. Figure panels or parts are labeled as (а), (b), (с), etc. Using third party copyrighted material requires a written permission from the copyright holder. 

Please use the most recently updated free maps of Antarctica (see ). The latitude and longitude should be marked on the respective sides of the map. The scale (in km) and the North arrow are obligatory.

The markings on the maps and figures should be easily readable and follow the same style. Symbols should be explained on the illustration and not in the legend if at all possible.

Tables with short captions (single spaced) should be inserted in the text and numbered (Arabic numerals, in the left upper corner before the table’s caption). Tables are referred to in the text as (Table 1), or (Table) if there is only one. Table captions should be in English in Times New Roman, 12 pt, and start with "Table 1." followed by a space and the caption. 

The same information presented simultaneously in figures and tables is not accepted.

Graphics are preferred to tables.

Units of measurement should be used following SI.

Chemical substances and mathematical equations

Chemical names should be used according to the nomenclature recommended by IUPAC. Use dots as decimal separators. Numbers (as in number ranges) are separated with a hyphen without spaces. For scalar multiplication and chemical formulae, use the "⋅" character (e. g., a ⋅ b or CuSO4 ⋅ 7Н2О). Latin and Greek symbols in mathematical notation are italicized. Long and complex mathematical equations are typed using MathType and are additionally submitted in a separate file.

Latin nomenclature

Latin names of animals, plants, fungi and microorganisms should be italicized. At first mention in the text, please state the taxon’s author and year of description, the family (not italicized) it belongs to and the full name of the genus. Afterwards, the authors are omitted. The genus should thereafter be abbreviated to the first letter, except when the name begins the sentence or if there are two or more genera starting with the same letter. In table and figure captions, generic names are not abbreviated, except when several species of the same genus are listed. Names should be those valid under the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants, the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature and the International Code of Nomenclature of Bacteria; in exceptional cases, the Authors may use other taxonomic names, provided they clearly state the reasons for it and cite the relevant literature.

In the Title and the Abstract, authors of the taxa are omitted.

Geographical names

For the official geographical names, please use the SCAR Gazetteer and for the unofficial, state the fact when introducing them and put them in quotation marks (e.g., ‘Kadurin Stone’).

For the nameless objects, provide the coordinates.

Abbreviations and acronyms

Abbreviations and acronyms should be defined in the text during when they are introduced (‘Scientific Committee for Antarctic Research (SCAR)’). Avoid abbreviations in the Title and the Abstract. Toponyms should not be abbreviated.


Manuscript processing

The first stage is submission of the manuscript. The authors provide a MS Word file up to 2 MB in size (*.doc or *.docx) with figures and tables (lines and pages should be sequentially numbered), as well as a separate document with the Author Agreement. These documents should be emailed to and/or submitted via the website of UAJ at  The document will be assigned a unique manuscript ID (e.g., UAJ-PAP-2020-012) to be used from thereafter (for example, in the Sbj. field) during the discussion and processing of the manuscript.

UAJ-PAP-2020-012 — journal, research paper, year, manuscript number

UAJ-REV-2020-012 — journal, review, year, manuscript number

UAJ-NOT-2020-012 — journal, short note, year, manuscript number

The Editorial office and Executive Editor evaluate the submitted manuscript for its compliance with the scope of the Journal, absence of plagiarism, and strict adherence to all scientific criteria and then assigns Reviewers.

The second stage is peer review. The manuscript will be submitted to two anonymous reviewers who timely and impartially review the manuscript, are not financially interested in the research and do not have competing interests. If one review is positive and the other is negative, the Executive Editor assigns an additional Reviewer whose review informs the Editor’s final decision.

The third stage is submission of the manuscript after the peer review. After receiving the reviews, the Authors have to provide a detailed reply to all comments and point out all changes in the reviewed manuscript. The reply should adhere to a clear structure: (1) Reviewer’s commentary, (2) Authors’ replies, (3) list of changes made in the manuscript. In addition, it is necessary to provide a marked version of the manuscript (MS Word file (*.doc or *.docx) with figures and tables) showing the changes made (using track changes or colored marker/colored text in Word). This version should be combined with your answer file so that the Reviewer can clearly identify what changes have been made. The name of the document is changed to the format UAJ-PAP-2020-012-R1. If the manuscript is not sent back to the Editorial office on time, it will be removed from consideration for the upcoming issue of the journal. If the manuscript is submitted after the deadline, it is considered a new submission which follows the standard procedure.

The fourth stage is submission of the manuscript for publication. If the reviewers agree with the changes, the manuscript is accepted for publication and the author is notified accordingly. The author submits the text of the manuscript as a MS Word document. Figures and photos in the TIFF, GIF or JPEG format with resolution 300 dpi or more are sent as separate files. The documents should be named UAJ-PAP-2020-012-R1-maintext (manuscript), UAJ-PAP-2020-012-R1-fig01, UAJ-PAP-2020-012-R1-fig02, etc.