Ukrainian Antarctic Journal

No 14 (2015): Ukrainian Antarctic Journal

Neurodynamical and Social-psychological Features of Adaptation of Winterers

O.A. Miroshnichenko
Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University, 40, Velyka Berdychivska Str. Zhytomyr,10008
Published December 31, 2015
  • adaptation,
  • orientation of personality,
  • psychological factors,
  • extreme terms of vital functions,
  • psychological readiness
How to Cite
Miroshnichenko, O. (2015). Neurodynamical and Social-psychological Features of Adaptation of Winterers. Ukrainian Antarctic Journal, (14), 205-216.


ln the article the results of researches of neurodinamical and social-psychological features of adaptation of the Ukrainian winterers are presented to the vital functions in the conditions of Antarctic Region оn the example of one of the last expeditions оn the Ukrainian Antarctic station «Academician Vernadskiy».


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