Ukrainian Antarctic Journal

No 12 (2013): Ukrainian Antarctic Journal

The features of SST field and large-scale front’s structure on the South Indian Ocean surface in the regions with bottom configuration inhomogeneities

E. A. Skripaleva
Marine Hydrophysical Institute of NAS of Ukraine, Sevastopol
Published December 15, 2013
  • sea surface temperature,
  • meridional gradient of temperature,
  • large-scale front,
  • climatic seasonal cycle,
  • amplitude-phase characteristics,
  • bottom relief,
  • Kerguelen ridge,
  • Crozet plateau,
  • SST satellite data
  • ...More
How to Cite
Skripaleva, E. A. (2013). The features of SST field and large-scale front’s structure on the South Indian Ocean surface in the regions with bottom configuration inhomogeneities. Ukrainian Antarctic Journal, (12), 138-146.


On the base of monthly averaged SST satellite data (AVHRR Ocean Pathfіnder Data JPL NOAA/NASA) the space-time variability of SST field and large-scale fronts on the South Indian Ocean surface is investigated in the regions with pronounced bottom configuration inhomogeneities. Shown, that the structure and characteristics of climatic seasonal cycle of SST field and hydrological fronts have the regional features above the Kerguelen ridge, Crozet plateau, Australian-Antarctic rise and others bottom relief forms.


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