Ukrainian Antarctic Journal

No 8 (2009): Ukrainian Antarctic Journal

Correlation of anomalies of the Pacific surface temperature and the South Oscillation Index

Yu. V. Artamonov
Marine Hydrophysical Institute of NAS of Ukraine, Sevastopol
M. V. Babiy
Marine Hydrophysical Institute of NAS of Ukraine, Sevastopol
O. Ye. Bukatov
Marine Hydrophysical Institute of NAS of Ukraine, Sevastopol
E. A. Skripaleva
Marine Hydrophysical Institute of NAS of Ukraine, Sevastopol
Published December 16, 2009
  • sea surface temperature,
  • Pacific Ocean,
  • South Oscillation Index,
  • cross-correlation functions,
  • water structure,
  • SST anomalies
  • ...More
How to Cite
Artamonov, Y. V., Babiy, M. V., Bukatov, O. Y., & Skripaleva, E. A. (2009). Correlation of anomalies of the Pacific surface temperature and the South Oscillation Index. Ukrainian Antarctic Journal, (8), 195-204.


On the base of monthly averaged archive data of Pacific SST (array British Atmospheric Data Centre HadISST) and South Oscillation Index (SOI) the cross-correlation functions between SSTanomalies and SOI are calculated for the period 1870-2002. It is shown, that spatial distributions of cross-correlation extremes and its lags are connected with the large-scale features of the surface water structure. The lags of the cross-correlation functions between SST and SOI increases in equatorial zone from east to west, in moderate and polar latitudes, vice versa, from west to east. The speed of propagation of the SST anomalies response on the SOI changes is estimated according to cross-correlation lag.


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